GrantSolutions supports Federal agencies throughout the full grants lifecycle – from pre-award planning through application, award, and closeout. As a shared service provider, GrantSolutions offerings solve for shared mission needs across agencies while incorporating unique business and regulatory processes for grant programs.

Who is GrantSolutions?

GrantSolutions is a grants business leader providing end-to-end innovative grants management services dedicated to advancing the mission of Federal agencies.

Federal Leadership

Michael Curtis Executive Director

Renee Lobanovskyy Deputy Executive Director

Paul Hasz Director, System and Support Services Division

Leanna Thompson Director, Partner Services Division

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Annual Awards


Cabinet Level & Independent Partner Agencies


Years of Partnership


Grant Programs

What GrantSolutions Does

GrantSolutions provides expert grants knowledge in collaboration with Partners and deliver solutions that meet a wide array of mission needs – from increased transparency and accountability to streamlining and optimizing performance outcomes.


  • Fosters cooperative partnerships across the Federal government as a shared service provider, allowing agencies large and small to pool their resources and benefit from powerful capabilities; in a common, configurable platform that enables organic development of government-wide best practices.
  • Delivers innovative solutions using advanced technologies to address evolving Partner needs from compliance and productivity to performance outcomes.
  • Provides Partners the ability to issue awards faster. Over the past 5 years Partners have seen a 42% reduction in average number of days to issue an award; getting money into communities 40 days sooner.
  • Enables integration with agency specific and existing government systems including,, and, through a cloud-based platform.

The GrantSolutions Data Driven Approach

Through the use of advanced technologies, GrantSolutions provides Partners with meaningful, impactful data at their fingertips. Large, cumbersome data sets from multiple sources are transformed into easily digestible information that can be quickly accessed and used to make informed decisions.

This focus on data facilitates:

  • 60% reduction in risk assessment time enabling Partners to shift focus to higher-value work.
  • System tools, workflows, and configurations that help agencies ensure effective controls and data integrity throughout the grants process.
  • Modernization of the grants business processes through standard data options to account for unique mission needs.